
Susan Creek Falls

Yesterday we told the girls to meet at school and to bring workout clothes and a camera if they had one because we were going to run, lift weights and then go on a "field trip."

When they were finished in the weight room everyone piled into two cars and Linda and I drove out along Diamond Lake Blvd. and then followed the North Umpqua River for about 30 miles until we came to Susan Creek Falls. From there we lead them on a hike through the forrest and while walking we talked about bugs, poison oak, and how the air in the woods smells a whole lot different than the air in Los Angeles.

Eventually we turned a corner and walked down a ledge and then the girls suddenly found themselves standing in front of a large, beautiful waterfall. Almost immediately everyone's "inner child" came out and the girls started walking along logs, climbing rocks, wading in the water, looking at crawfish and taking pictures. Almost all had never seen or done anything like that before and Linda and I couldn't help but laugh at all their different reactions.

Run, lift, hike, waterfall, laughing and teammates all added up to a great, great day!

1 comment:

Sue Favor said...


You guys kick ass.

Thanks for doing that, and thanks for posting the pics! It's nice to see Mykie and the rest of the babies. Would love to do something like that myself.