
Kristi Fallin Signs at University of Oregon

When our players are being recruited by four year schools I tell them that there are four factors to consider: location, school, basketball program, and money and they need to decide which of these factors are the most important. Are they willing to take less money in order to go to a good program in an great location? Do they want/need a full scholarship even if it means playing on a lousy team in a bad location? Etc. Etc. Lots of possibilities. Most get two of the four. The lucky ones get three of the four. Kristi Fallin got all four!

On Monday Kristi signed a National Letter of Intent and accepted a full scholarship to play at the University of Oregon, which is only an hour away. She is going to be coached by newly hired Paul Westhead, who besides winning both NBA (LA Lakers) and WNBA (Phoenix Mercury) Championships, runs an offense that wants to get a shot off in the first five seconds of each possession and generates a lot of three pointers at the end of the fast break and sideline break.

Last season the leading three pointer shooter in NCAA Division 1 made 116 threes. Kristi made 118. We play fast but not as fast as Westhead's shoot first ask questions later style of play. Kristi has a chance to be very, very successful in that system.

Follow the links below to read about Kristi's signing on the NWAACC website, in The News-Review, and on Douglas County Sports Online

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