
Facebook Group

Several weeks ago Michaela (Williams) Leinonen started up a Facebook group called "Dave Stricklin's Hoop Survivors" in hopes of getting both Umpqua and Golden West alumni together to share stories and stay connected. Lately I've been trying to track down and invite as many former players as possible to join the Facebook group and in the process I've received some great emails and have relived some awesome memories.

If you read this and are in contact with any former players and teammates, please encourage them to join the group and share their stories. I've been coaching for a long, long time now and I can honestly say I still don't of any team that works as hard as we do, that works as hard as we've always worked. That work ethic and the committment to be the very best we can be is the thread that binds all of us together. It doesn't really matter whether we competed together over 20 years ago or whether we're getting ready to compete on this year's team - we're all in this together and in my mind we're still just one big team.

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