
Over 125 Teams in 40 Days

It's hard to believe that it's been over a month since the blog's been updated but the time has just flown by! June is the month when high school teams typically play in summer league games and tournaments and where high school players go, we follow. In the last five weeks I've seen over 80 high school and club teams play and next week I'll be in Oregon City at the End of the Trail Tournament which has 208 teams entered in it. Games take place in about a dozen gyms, twelve hours a day, for four straight days. If things go as planned I'll see well over 50 more teams play. If you're a basketball junkie, or a college recruiter (or both), it's basketball heaven!!

I've always had an immeasurable respect for athletes who have turned themselves into players through their own dedication, focus, and hard work. Joe Alexander, from West Virginia University, who was recently taken in the first round of the NBA draft, seems to be one of those players. Read the following article and not only will you be inspired but you'll be a Joe Alexander fan for the rest of his career:

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